How I Overcame Panic Attack!
First up…. Anxiety and panic are kind of funny because anticipating them leads to more panic and so on. The great irony of panic Is that as soon as we start having panic attacks we dreadfully fear more and that's what leads to a continued cycle of episodes. I learned that to interrupt this cycle, I had to change my relationship with fear.
So we must learn to break the cycle along the way, which is just to understand that you don’t have to fear anxiety, it can be there to teach you! Panic stopped gripping my day-to-day life once I saw my anxiety as a part of my humanity, and only a false alarm from my system…. and one that’s designed to protect me!
I finally realized that all humans experience anxiety, it's part of the human condition, and with everything going on in the world, it's something that we all share. We can thrive even if there is anxiety going on within.
I consistently practiced coping skills and principles from various therapies, so I could create methods that work for me personally, to help keep things in perspective and keep me on track toward my goals.
Think about how anxiety manifests for you…. When do things get out of control? When do you first notice that panic is coming? If you begin to identify your signs and signals that panic may be on it’s way, then you can practice skills BEFORE it strikes. For me, my hands get really shaky so I noticed that coming and I pop up and get moving right away. the key is to not allow adrenaline to build up in our system, to avoid spikes and drops and blood sugar, and to take overall care of our Wellness. If we'll do the small things for ourselves and understand Panic better, we can prevent episodes from happening.