What if you could Be Here, Now?
Mindfulness can be practiced at any time….. while you’re doing the dishes, or working out - the idea is that you check in with the present moment, instead of letting your mind work in auto pilot. When our minds are in auto mode they ruminate on the past and the future, and thoughts about the future are almost always fear-based.
Remember you can’t control the future, and you can’t change the past, so that’s why present moment focus is so important. If you feel a sense of fear, anticipation, and anxiety, you can work through that by using Mindfulness techniques quietly to yourself, even if you only have a few moments. Other times you can practice exercises when you feel calm, so that you can use them more effectively when you begin to get upset.
When you’re in a stressful environment, it’s an excellent opportunity to practice. Mindfulness is different for everyone, and it will take time and effort for you to practice using coping skills, and implementing them when it really counts. I believe in you, and I hope you believe in yourself!
When you feel stress coming on, you can practice deep breathing, and try not to let your mind wander— gently redirect your focus back to the present moment, and back and back and back again. It’s something that has to be achieved a moment through moment, deliberately, and with intention. This helps so much in day to day living.